The Ontology for Avida (OntoAvida) project aims to develop an integrated vocabulary for the description of Avida, the most widely used computational approach for performing experimental evolution. The lack of a clearly defined vocabulary makes biologists feel reluctant to embrace the field of digital evolution. This unique ontology has the potential to change this picture overnight. In addition, OntoAvida will allow researchers to make inference (e.g., on phenotypic plasticity) based on certain rules and constraints, facilitate the reproducibility of the in silico evolution experiments reported in the scientific literature, and trace the provenance of the data stored in AvidaDB—a RDF database on digital organisms and their genomes.
Digital evolution is a form of evolutionary computation in which self-replicating computer programs—digital organisms—evolve within a user-defined computational environment. Avida satisfies three essential requirements for evolution to occur: replication, heritable variation, and differential fitness. The latter arises through competition for the limited resources of memory space and central processing unit, CPU time. A digital organism in Avida consists of a sequence of instructions—its genome or genotype—and a virtual CPU, which executes these instructions. Some of these instructions are involved in copying an organism's genome, which is the only way the organism can pass its genetic material to future generations. To reproduce, a digital organism must copy this genome instruction by instruction into a new region of memory through a process that may lead to errors, i.e., mutations. A mutation occurs when an instruction is copied incorrectly, and is instead replaced in the offspring genome by an instruction chosen at random (with a uniform distribution) from a set of possible instructions. Some instructions are required for viability—replication—whereas others are required to complete computational operations (such as addition, multiplications, and bit-shifts), and are executed on binary numbers taken from the environment through input-output instructions harbored in the digital organism's genome. The output of processing these numbers might be the result of a specific Boolean logic operation (digital analogs of functional traits). The identity of the logic operations that can be computed by a digital organism defines it phenotype. An organism can be rewarded for computing Boolean logic operations with virtual CPU-cycles, which speeds up the execution of the instructions harbored in its genome. This creates an additional selective pressure (besides reducing the number of instructions required for replication) which favours those organisms in an evolving population where mutations have produced sequences of instructions in their genomes that encode phenotypes determined by the Boolean logic operations they compute. Organisms that are more successful—those that replicate faster—are more likely to spread through a population.
Many scientific publications have used Avida as digital evolution platform to shed light on fundamental questions in ecology and evolutionary biology, such as the evolution of genome architecture, gene regulatory networks, robustness, evolvability, complexity, phenotypic plasticity, adaptive radiations, ecological interactions, cooperation, and the evolution of sex.
OntoAvida was initially developed by the Computational Biology Lab at the DoƱana Biological Station (a research institute of the Spanish National Research Council based at Seville, Spain). Contributors to OntoAvida are expected to include members of the Digital Evolution Laboratory at Michigan State University (USA).
More information can be found at the OBO Foundry
URI | |
Description |
A CPU cycle is the amount of time it takes the virtual CPU of a digital organism in Avida to execute a single instruction code in its memory. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Divide-Erase' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that attempts to divide off a finished offspring copy. It uses whatever memory space the write-head is currently pointing to as the offspring's genome. If this instruction code fails, the memory space is cleared and the organism's heads are reset. Note that this instruction code is equivalent to the instruction code 'h-divide' of the heads_default instruction set. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Head-Move' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that will cause the instruction pointer ?IP? to jump to the position in memory of the flow-head. This instruction code can be modified by one 'Nop' instruction code, which specify which head to move to the position pointed to by the flow-head. Note that this instruction code is equivalent to the 'mov-head' instruction code of the heads_default instruction set. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Head-Pop' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops a position of the ?B? stack and moves the instruction pointer ?IP? to that position. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. The first 'Nop' instruction code specifies which head (read-head, write-head, flow-head, or instruction pointer) is used, and the second 'Nop' instruction code specifies from which stack the position is popped. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Head-Push' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the position of the instruction pointer ?IP? onto the ?B? stack. Note that this instruction code differs from the instruction code 'Inst-Read' in that it pushes the location of the specified head rather than the value at that position. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. The first 'Nop' instruction code specifies which head (read-head, write-head, flow-head, or instruction pointer) is used, and the second 'Nop' instruction code specifies on which stack the position is pushed. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'IO' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that outputs the 32-bit binary number stored at the top of the ?B? stack, checking it for any logic operation that may have been performed on the two 32-bit binary numbers stored in its input buffers. It also places a randomly generated 32-bit binary number from the environment onto the ?B? stack. Input-output instruction codes can be executed either only once or many times during the time it takes to generate an offspring. This means that a digital organism can take input numbers from the environment more than once before replicating and can compute the result of more than one logic operation. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes. The first 'Nop' instruction code specifies the input stack, and the second 'Nop' instruction code specifies the output stack. If only one 'Nop' instruction code is used, the same stack is used for both the input and output values. Note that the 'input-output' instruction code of the heads_default instruction set can only be modified by one 'nop' instruction code (i.e., the same register is used for both the input and output values). |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'If-Equal' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that compares the value on the top of the ?A? stack to the value on the top of the ?B? stack. If they are equal, the next instruction code (after a modifying 'Nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed. If they are not equal, that next instruction code is skipped. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'If-Greater' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that compares the value on the top of the ?A? stack to the value on the top of the ?B? stack. If the value of the ?A? stack is greater that the value of the ?B? stack, the next instruction code (after a modifying Nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed, otherwise it will be skipped. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'If-Less' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that compares the value on the top of the ?A? stack to the value on the top of the ?B? stack. If the value of the ?A? stack is less that the value of the ?B? stack, the next instruction code (after a modifying 'Nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed, otherwise it will be skipped. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'If-Not-Equal' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that compares the value on the top of the ?A? stack to the value on the top of the ?B? stack. If they are not equal, the next instruction (after a modifying 'Nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed. If they are equal, that next instruction code is skipped. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are compared. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Inject' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that acts similarly to the instruction code 'Divide-Erase', but instead of dividing off a "free-living" organism, it attempts to "infect" a host digital organism with its parasite genome contained in the memory space pointed to by the write-head. This instruction code allows a digital organism to become a parasite digital organism. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Inst-Read' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the instruction code pointed ?IP? to by the read-head onto the ?A? stack and advances the read-head by one position. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes. The first 'Nop' instruction code specifies which head (read-head, write-head, flow-head, or instruction pointer) is used, and the second 'Nop' instruction code specifies on which stack the instruction pointer is pushed. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Inst-Write' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops the instruction code on the ?A? stack and writes it into the memory location pointed to by the write-head ?WH?, and and advances the write-head ?WH? by one position. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes. The first 'Nop' instruction code specifies which head (read-head, write-head, flow-head, or instruction pointer) is used, and the second 'Nop' instruction code specifies from which stack the instruction is read. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Nop' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that does nothing or modifies the behavior of the instruction code preceeding it by changing the virtual CPU component that it affects (stack or head), or acts as part of a template to denote positions in a digital organism's genome. Note that most operations that use 2 'Nop' instruction codes to specify which stacks to use can also be parameterized by a single 'Nop' instruction code, in which case the second modifier is assigned the next stack in sequence (e.g., C->D, D->A, etc.). |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
Sub-classes |
Nop-A Nop-B Nop-C Nop-D |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Nop-A' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that does nothing or modifies the stack being used by default to the stack A or the head being used by default to the instruction pointer. |
Super-classes |
Nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Nop-B' is aninstruction code of the transsmt instruction set that does nothing or modifies the stack being used by default to the stack B or the head being used by default to the read-head. |
Super-classes |
Nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Nop-C' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that does nothing or modifies the stack being used by default to the stack C or the head being used by default to the write-head. |
Super-classes |
Nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Nop-D' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that does nothing or modifies the stack being used by default to the stack D or the head being used by default to the flow-head. |
Super-classes |
Nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Push-Comp' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops a value off of the ?B? stack and pushes it onto the complement stack (i.e., the stack two over in sequence), in this case, the ?D? stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify the source and the destination stacks, respectively. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Push-Next' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops a value off of the ?A? stack and pushes it onto the next stack in sequence (the ?B? stack). This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify the source and the destination stacks, respectively. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Push-Prev' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops a value off of the ?B? stack and pushes it onto the previous stack in sequence (the ?A? stack). This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify the source and the destination stacks, respectively. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Search' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that reads in the sequence of 'Nop' instruction codes that follows it, and searches for the location of a complement template (e.g., B:C:D -> D:A:B) in a digital organism's genome. If the complement is not found, a value of 0 will be pushed to the top of the B stack. If a complement is found, the distance between the current instruction code being executed and the beginning of the complement will be pushed onto the B stack, the size of the template will be pushed on the A stack, and the flow-head will be moved to the end of the complement template. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'SetMemory' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that selects which memory space is active (I.e., which memory space the flow-head is pointing to). The memory spaces can be labeled with up to 4 'Nop' instruction codes. If no 'Nop' instruction codes are given, the memory space containing the currently executing digital organism is selected. If a 'Nop' instruction code is provided that does not yet exist, a new memory space is created. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The TransSMT hardware is the hardware type that allows host-parasite interactions to take place in Avida. |
Super-classes |
hardware type |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Add' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the sum of values from the top of the ?B? and ?C? stacks onto the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are added. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Copy' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes a copy of the value at the top of the ?B? stack onto the ?B? stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify the source and the destination stacks, respectively. In this case, if only one 'Nop' instruction code is used, the value is copied and pushed onto the same stack as the source. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Dec' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that decrements the value at the top of ?B? stack by one. This instruction code is destructive (I.e., it pops the old value off the stack). |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Delete' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pops off a value from the ?B? stack. This instruction code may be modified by one 'Nop' instruction code, which determines from which stack to remove a value. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Div' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the result of the integer division of the value from the top of the ?B? stack by the value at the top of the ?C? stak onto the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are divided. If there is an arithmetic error caused by the division, the instruction code fails and does not return a value. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Inc' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that increments the value at the top of ?B? stack by one. This instruction code is destructive (i.e., it pops the old value off the stack). |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Mod' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the remainder from integer division between the value from the top of the ?B? stack by the value at the top of the ?C? stak onto the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are divided. If there is an arithmetic error caused by the division, the instructioncode fails and does not return a value. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Mult' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the result of multiplying the values from the top of the ?B? and ?C? staks onto the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instructions, which specify which stacks are multiplied. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Nand' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that computes the bitwise NAND logic operation on the values at the top of the ?B? and ?C? stacks. The result of this operation is pushed onto the top of the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are used for computing the logic operation. Note that this is the only logic operation provided by the instruction set. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Shift-L' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that shifts the value at the top of the ?B? stack over one bit to the left, effectively multiplying the value by two and ignoring any potential overflow. This instruction code can be modified by one 'Nop' instruction code, which specifies which stack is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Shift-R' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that shifts the value at the top of the ?B? stack over one bit to the right, effectively dividing the value by two and rounding down. This instruction code can be modified by one 'Nop' instruction code, which specifies which stack is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'Val-Sub' is an instruction code of the transsmt instruction set that pushes the result of substracting the values from the top of the ?B? and ?C? stacks onto the B stack. This instruction code can be modified by one or two 'Nop' instruction codes, which specify which stacks are substracted. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'add' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the BX and CX registers and sums them together. The result of this operation is then placed in the ?BX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specify which register is used to place the result of this operation. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The default analyze configuration file. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration file |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration DETAIL command is an analyze configuration command that, after the execution of an analyze configuration RECALC or RECALCULATE command, writes statistics of the genomes of the digital organisms (one per line) loaded in a batch and executed in analyze mode to an output file. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration LOAD_ORGANISM command is an analyze configuration command that loads a single genome in a batch from a digital organism file. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration LOAD_SEQUENCE command is an analyze configuration command that loads a single genome in a batch from a genome instruction sequence. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration PURGE_BATCH command is an analyze configuration command that remove the genomes of all digital organisms loaded in a batch. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration RECALCULATE command is an analyze configuration command that runs all of the genomes loaded in the current batch through a test virtual CPU and records the measurements taken (fitness, gestation time, etc.). This command overrides any values that may have been loaded in with the genomes. The "use_resources" flags means whether or not the test virtual CPU will use resources when it runs. If the "use_random_inputs" flag is set, then digital organisms will be provided with new, random input 32-bit binary numbers for each trace as they would experience during an experiment performed using the standard mode of Avida. By default, the same inputs are provided every time to digital organisms in analyze mode. Phenotypic plasticity information is not available from the analyze configuration RECALCULATE command (you should use the analyze configuration RECALC command with "num_trials X", where X is greater than 1, for phenotypic plasticity statistics). |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration RECALC command is an analyze configuration command that performs the same operations as the analyze configuration RECALCULATE command but has a few additional features (e.g., computes phenotypic plasticity). If "num_trials" is set to greater than one, random inputs will be used to gather phenotypic plasticity information. Please note that phenotypic plasticity analysis performed by using the analyze configuration RECALC command will reset genome statistics to the values for the most likely phenotype. Implicit phenotypic plasticity analysis (e.g. by not calling RECALC or calling RECALC with "num_trials 1") will not re-evaluate the genome statistics in this manner and instead rely on the initial values or those values from a single recalculation. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration TRACE command is an analyze configuration command that shows step-by-step the status of all of the virtual CPU components and the genome of a digital organism during the course of its execution in analyze mode. The filename used for each trace will be the genotype's name with a ".trace" appended. Four parameters need to be specified: the name of the folder that will contain the trace files, whether the digital organism uses resources (1) or not (0) when running in analyze mode, the update at which resources will be available (-1 if resources are not used), and whether the environment configuration file provides new random input numbers to the digital organisms (1) or not (0) everytime the analyze mode is called. |
Super-classes |
analyze configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze configuration command is a directive included in the analyze configuration file that is used for loading, manipulating, and saving data from an experiment performed in the analyze mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
configuration command |
Sub-classes |
analyze configuration DETAIL command analyze configuration LOAD_ORGANISM command analyze configuration LOAD_SEQUENCE command analyze configuration PURGE_BATCH command analyze configuration RECALCULATE command analyze configuration RECALC command analyze configuration TRACE command |
URI | |
Description |
An analyze configuration file is a configuration file that involves loading the genomes of digital organisms in one or more batches to perform additional tests after an evolutionary experiment in Avida has been completed. |
Super-classes |
configuration file |
Sub-classes |
analyze.cfg |
URI | |
Description |
The analyze mode is an execution mode of Avida consisting of performing an experiment where the genome of a single digital organism is executed in a test virtual CPU to compute its properties. |
Super-classes |
avida experiment |
Restrictions |
involves exactly 1 analyze configuration file involves exactly 1 avida configuration file involves exactly 1 environment configuration file involves exactly 1 events configuration file involves exactly 1 executable file involves exactly 1 instruction set file |
URI | |
Description |
The 'and' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 if and only if both inputs are 1 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'and-not' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that only returns 1 if for each bit pair one input is 1 and the other input is 0 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The digital file that executes Avida. |
Super-classes |
executable file |
URI | |
Description |
The default avida configuration file. This file is actually an excellent guide to itself; every option has a description of what it does and what its options are. |
Super-classes |
avida configuration file |
URI | |
Description |
An avida configuration command is a directive included in the avida configuration file that is used for setting up all the basic conditions for performing an experiment in the standard mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An avida configuration file is a configuracion file that set up all the basic conditions for performing an experiment in Avida. |
Super-classes |
configuration file |
Sub-classes |
avida.cfg |
URI | |
Description |
An avida experiment is an experiment carried out in Avida using digital organisms. |
Super-classes |
experiment |
Sub-classes |
analyze mode standard mode |
In domain of |
involves |
In range of |
involved in output of |
URI | |
Description |
A batch is a digital storage space where the genomes of the digital organisms are loaded before being executed in analyze mode. |
Super-classes |
digital storage space |
URI | |
Description |
A buffer is a digital storage space that a digital organism uses to receive information or return the processed results. |
Super-classes |
digital storage space |
Sub-classes |
input buffer output buffer |
URI | |
Description |
A complementary template is a sequence of 'nop' instructions that are found, in the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets, by taking each 'nop' instruction that makes up that template, and shifting it to the next in alphabetical order, looping around at the end. Thus, 'nop-A' -> 'nop-B' -> 'nop-C' -> 'nop-A'. In the transsmt instruction set, the complement is the template where each 'Nop' is shifted over in sequence by 2, such that the complement of the complement recovers the original template: 'Nop-A' -> 'Nop-C' -> 'Nop-A' and 'Nop-B' -> 'Nop-D' -> 'Nop-B'. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
A configuration command is a directive included in a configuration file that make up a configuration file in Avida. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
analyze configuration command avida configuration command environment configuration command events configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
A configuration file is a digital file that stores settings that are specific to a particular software. |
Super-classes |
digital file |
Sub-classes |
analyze configuration file avida configuration file environment configuration file events configuration file |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'dec' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the ?BX? register and decrements it by one. This instruction code is destructive (I.e., it pops the old value off the register), and can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The default file containing a digital organism that is defined by the default instruction set and the default hardware type. |
Super-classes |
digital organism file |
URI | |
Description |
The default file containing a parasite digital organism that is defined by the transsmt instruction set and the transSMT hardware type. |
Super-classes |
digital organism file |
URI | |
Description |
The default hardware is the default hardware type used in Avida. |
Super-classes |
hardware type |
URI | |
Description |
A digital file is an information content entity which conforms to a specificacion or format and which is meant to hold data and information in digital form, accessible to software agents. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
configuration file digital organism file executable file instruction set file |
In domain of |
involved in |
In range of |
involves |
URI | |
Description |
A digital genome is a circular list of instruction codes that can be executed sequentially by the virtual CPU of a digital organism. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
In domain of |
encodes genome instruction sequence genome length |
In range of |
has component is encoded by |
URI | |
Description |
A digital organism is a self-replicating computer program that mutates and evolve within a user-defined computational environment. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
host digital organism merely-viable digital organism multiple-trait digital organism non-plastic digital organism parasite digital organism plastic digital organism single-trait digital organism transcriptome-robust digital organism transcriptome-sensitive digital organism |
In domain of |
computes executes genome length executed gestation time has component has digital phenotype mutant of viable virtual CPU |
In range of |
is computed by is executed by mutant of |
URI | |
Description |
A digital organism file is a digital file containing the list of instruction codes that constitutes the genome of a digital organism in Avida. |
Super-classes |
digital file |
Sub-classes | |
URI | |
Description |
A digital organism memory is a digital storage space that a digital organism uses to hold a sequence of instruction codes to be executed. The memory space is initialize to the genome of the digital organism, but it will be modified over the lifetime of the digital organism, typically as an offspring is produced. As section of the memory is then divided off to initialize the offspring. Memory is treated as circular, such that execution will loop back to the first instruction code after the last instruction code has been executed. |
Super-classes |
digital storage space |
URI | |
Description |
The digital phenotype of the logic9 environment that a digital organism that is not capable of computing any logic operation has. |
Super-classes |
digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
The digital phenotype of the logic9 environment that a digital organism computing the logic operation 'not' has. |
Super-classes |
digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
The digital phenotype of the logic9 environment that a digital organism computing the logic operations 'not', 'not-and', 'and', 'orn-not', 'or', 'and-not', 'not-or', 'exclusive or' and 'equals' has. |
Super-classes |
digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
A digital phenotype is a unique combination of logic operations that the digital organism performs on 32-bit one- and two-binary input numbers. Any two digital organisms that compute the same logic operations are considered to have the same phenotype. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
digital organism phenotype 0 digital organism phenotype 1 digital organism phenotype 511 |
In domain of |
determined by is encoded by |
In range of |
encodes has digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
A digital storage space is a memory or disk space of a computer that is used to retain digital data. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
batch buffer digital organism memory register stack |
URI | |
Description |
A digital tandem repeat is a string of two or more instruction codes within a digital transcriptome that are executed sequentially more than once by a digital organism. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
In domain of |
contained in tandem repeat instruction sequence tandem repeat length |
In range of |
contains |
URI | |
Description |
A digital transcriptome is a list of the instruction codes that have been executed by the virtual CPU of a digital organism during its replication. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
In domain of |
contains is executed by number of tandem repetitions tandem repeat position at genome transcription position at genome transcriptome instruction sequence transcriptome length |
In range of |
contained in executes |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'divide-sex' is an instruction code of the head_sex instruction set that attempts to divide off a finished offspring copy. But, instead of placing it in the population immediately, its offspring is stored until the offspring of another digital organism is produced, at which time they recombine their genomes and the two recombinant products are placed into the population. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The default environment configuration file. The default environment provides a digital organism with new, random input strings every time an 'input-output' instruction code ('IO' for the transsmt instruction set) is executed. The genome of a digital organism can harbor one or several input-output instructions that can be executed either only once or many times during the time it takes to generate an offspring. This means that the organism can take input numbers from the environment more than once before replicating and can compute the result of more than one logic operation. |
Super-classes |
environment configuration file |
URI | |
Description |
An environment configuration REACTION command is an environment configuration command that allows us to set up a computational function that can be used by a digital organism to consume or produce resources when it performs certain logic operations. By defining reactions, a digital organism can be rewarded or punished for performing the logic operations that triggers them. |
Super-classes |
environment configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An environment configuration RESOURCE command is an environment configuration command that allow us to set up a computational quantity (i.e., resource) that can be used to modify the fitness of a digital organism. The resource can be a global quantity or a quantity that vary from cell to cell within the world grid. |
Super-classes |
environment configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An environment configuration command is a directive included in the environment configuration file that is used for xxx from an experiment performed in the standard mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
configuration command |
Sub-classes |
environment configuration REACTION command environment configuration RESOURCE command |
URI | |
Description |
An environment configuration file is a configuration file that set up the way a digital organism interacts with its computational environment in Avida. |
Super-classes |
configuration file |
Sub-classes |
environment.cfg |
URI | |
Description |
The 'equals' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 if both bits are identical, and 0 if they are different. |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The default events configuration file. |
Super-classes |
events configuration file |
URI | |
Description |
An event configuration Exit command is an event configuration command that allows us to specify the end of an experiment performed in the standard mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
events configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An event configuration InjectRange command is an event configuration command that allows us to add digital organisms to the world grid at any time during the course of an experiment performed in the standard mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
events configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An event configuration SavePopulation command is an event configuration command that allows us to save the state of the entire population of digital organisms to a file at any time during the course of an experiment performed in the standard mode of Avida. |
Super-classes |
events configuration command |
URI | |
Description |
An events configuration command is a directive included in the events configuration file that is used for controlling the events that need to occur throughout the course of an experiment performed in the standard mode of Avida. An event configuration command will be triggered either a single time or periodically. The format for each command is: 'type' 'timing' 'event' 'arguments'. The type determines what kind of timings the event will be based off of (i.e., immediate 'i', based on update 'u', or based on generation 'g'). The timing should only be included for non-immediate events. If a single number is given for timing, the event occurs at that update/generation. A second number can be included (separated by a colon ':') to indicate how often the event should be repeated. And if a third number is listed (again, colon seperated) this will be the last time the event can occur on. The event is simply the name of the action that should be performed, and the arguments detail exactly how it should work when it is triggered. |
Super-classes |
configuration command |
Sub-classes |
events configuration Exit command events configuration InjectRange command events configuration SavePopulation command |
URI | |
Description |
An events configuration file is a configuration file that controls the events that need to occur throughout the course of an experiment in Avida. This file consists of a list of events that will be triggered either singly or periodically. The format for each line is: 'type' 'timing' 'event' 'arguments'. The type determines what kind of timings the event will be based off of (i.e., immediate [i], based on update [u], or based on generation [g]). The timing should only be included for non-immediate events. If a single number is given for timing, the event occurs at that update/generation. A second number can be included (separated by a colon ':') to indicate how often the event should be repeated. And if a third number is listed (again, colon seperated) this will be the last time the event can occur on. The event is simply the name of the action that should be performed, and the arguments detail exactly how it should work when it is triggered. |
Super-classes |
configuration file |
Sub-classes |
events.cfg |
URI | |
Description |
The 'exclusive-or' logic opertation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 if one but not both of the inputs are 1 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
An executable file is a digital file that executes a process. |
Super-classes |
digital file |
Sub-classes |
avida |
URI | |
Description |
A thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
An experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
avida experiment |
URI | |
Description |
A flow-head is the head that marks the beginning of a loop in a digital organism's memory space to jump the instruction pointer back to from the loop's end. |
Super-classes |
head |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'get-head' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that copy the position of the instruction pointer ?IP? into the CX register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction, which specifies which head its position will be copied. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'h-allow' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that allocates additional memory for the digital organism up to the maximum it is allowed to use for its offspring. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'h-copy' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads the contents of the digital organism's memory at the position of the read-head and copy that to the position of the write-head. If a non-zero copy mutation rate is set, a test will be made based on this probability to determine if a mutation occurs. If so, a random instruction code (chosen from the full instruction set with equal probability) will be placed at the write-head instead. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'h-divide' is an instruction code of the heads_default instruction set that attempts to divide off a finished offspring copy. The original digital organism keeps the state of its memory up until the read-head. The offspring's memory is initialized to everything between the read-head and the write-head. All digital organism's memory past the write-head is removed entirely. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'h-search' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that will read in the template that follows it, and find the location of a complement template in the code. The BX register will be set to the distance to the complement from the current position of the instruction pointer, and the CX register will be set to the size of the template. The flow-head will also be placed at the beginning of the complement template. If no template follows, both BX and CX will be set to zero, and the flow-head will be placed on the instruction immediatly following the 'h-search' instruction code. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A hardware type is the way the memory of a digital organism and the execution threads are managed by Avida. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
TransSMT hardware default hardware |
URI | |
Description |
A head is a mechanism that reads data from or writes data to the digital organism's memory space. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
flow-head instruction pointer read-head write-head |
URI | |
Description |
The heads_default instruction set is the default instruction set in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set |
URI | |
Description |
The heads_sex instruction set is the instruction set that allows digital organisms reproduce sexually in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set |
URI | |
Description |
A host digital organism is a digital organism whose CPU-cycles can be stolen by another digital organism. |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
In domain of |
parasitized by |
In range of |
parasite of |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'if-label' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the template that follows it, and tests if its complement template was the most recent series of instruction codes copied. If so, it executes the next instruction code, otherwise it skips it. This instruction code is commonly used for a digital organism to determine when it has finished producing its offspring. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'if-less' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that compares the ?BX? register to its complement. If ?BX? is the lesser of the pair, the next instruction code (after a modifying 'nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed. If it is greater or equal, then that next instruction code is skipped. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is compared. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'if-n-equ' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that compares the ?BX? register to its complement. If they are not equal, the next instruction code (after a modifying 'nop' instruction code, if one is present) is executed. If they are equal, that next instruction code is skipped. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'inc' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the ?BX? register and increments it by one. This instruction code is destructive (i.e., it pops the old value off the register). This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'input-output' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that takes the contents of the ?BX? register (i.e., a 32-bit binary number) and outputs it, checking it for any logic operation that may have been performed on the two 32-bit binary numbers stored in its input buffers. It also places a randomly generated 32-bit binary number from the environment into the ?BX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. Input-output instruction codes can be executed either only once or many times during the time it takes to produce an offspring. This means that a digital organism can take input numbers from the environment more than once before replicating and can compute the result of more than one logic operation. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
An input buffer is the buffer that a digital organism uses to receive information. |
Super-classes |
buffer |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction code is a group of bits that instruct the computer to perform a specific operation. Each intruction code may be followed by a series of options that define how that instruction code should be used. In Avida, each position of a digital organism genome consists of an instruction code. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
Divide-Erase Head-Move Head-Pop Head-Push IO If-Equal If-Greater If-Less If-Not-Equal Inject Inst-Read Inst-Write Nop Push-Comp Push-Next Push-Prev Search SetMemory Val-Add Val-Copy Val-Dec Val-Delete Val-Div Val-Inc Val-Mod Val-Mult Val-Nand Val-Shift-L Val-Shift-R Val-Sub add dec divide-sex get-head h-alloc h-copy h-divide h-search if-label if-less if-n-equ inc input-output jump-head move-head nand nop pop push set-flow shift-l shift-r sub swap-stk swap |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction-pointer is the head that determines the next instruction code to be executed by the virtual CPU of a digital organism. After each execution, the instruction pointer is automaticall advanced (unless the instruction code executed dictates otherwise). |
Super-classes |
head |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction set is a list of instruction codes that a digital organism can hold in its genome (i.e., its genetic language). |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
heads_default heads_sex transsmt |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction set file is a digital file containing the instruction set that defines the genetic language of a digital organism in Avida (i.e., the instruction codes that a digital organism can hold in its genome). The name of the instruction set may not be the same as the name of the file containing the instruction set (i.e., one file may contain multiple instruction sets). |
Super-classes |
digital file |
Sub-classes |
instset-heads-sex.cfg instset-heads.cfg instset-transsmt.cfg |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction set file containing the instruction set that allows digital organisms reproduce sexually in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set file |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction set file containing the default instruction set in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set file |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction set file containing the instruction set that allows host-parasite interactions to take place in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set file |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'jump-head' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the value of the CX register, and the move the instruction pointer ?IP? by that fixed amount through the organism's memory. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which head to move. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A logic environment where 77 logic operations are listed in the environment configuration file. |
Super-classes |
logic environment |
URI | |
Description |
A logic environment where 9 logic operations are listed in the environment configuration file. |
Super-classes |
logic environment |
URI | |
Description |
A computational environment that defines the logic operations that are listed in the environment configuration file. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
logic9 logic77 |
URI | |
Description |
A logic operation is a mathematical function in which each bit is treated independently of all the other bits in a binary number. Thus if a logic operation 'and' was performed between two bitstrings, the first bit of the first string would be added to the first bit in the second string, the second bit to the second bit and so on. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
and-not and equals exclusive or not-and not-or not or orn-not |
In domain of |
is computed by |
In range of |
computes determined by |
URI | |
Description |
A merely-viable digital organism is a digital organism that does not compute any logic operation (i.e., it can only produce an offpring). |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'move-head' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that will cause the instruction pointer ?IP? to jump to the position in memory of the flow-head. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which head to move to the position pointed to by the flow-head. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A multiple-trait digital organism is a digital organism that computes more than one logic operation. |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
computes some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000111c |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'nand' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the BX and CX registers (each of which are 32-bit binary numbers) and performs a bitwise NAND operation on them. The result of this operation is placed in the ?BX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used to place the result of this operation. Note that this is the only logic operation provided by the instruction set. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A non-plastic digital organism is a digital organism whose genome encodes the same phenotype in all environments (i.e., a digital organism that computes the same set of logic operations in all environments). |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
has digital phenotype some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000151c |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'nop' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that does nothing or modifies the behavior of the instruction code preceeding it by changing the virtual CPU component that it affects (register or head), or acts as part of a template to denote positions in a digital organism's genome. A register name (AX, BX, or CX) surrounded by question marks refers to that register being used by default when the instruction code in question is being executed, but if the instruction code is followed by a 'nop' instruction code, the 'nop' instruction code will alter the register used. A head abbreviation (IP, RH, WH, or FH) surrounded by question marks refers to that head being used as a default, when the instruction code in question is being executed, but if the instruction code is followed by a 'nop' instruction code, the 'nop' instruction code will alter the head used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
Sub-classes |
nop-A nop-B nop-C |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'nop-A' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that does nothing or modifies the register being used by default to the register AX or the head being used by default to the instruction pointer. |
Super-classes |
nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'nop-B' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that does nothing or modifies the register being used by default to the register BX or the head being used by default to the read-head. |
Super-classes |
nop |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'nop-C' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that does nothing or modifies the register being used by default to the register CX or the head being used by default to the write-head. |
Super-classes |
nop |
URI | |
Description |
A nop-head notation is a two-letter notation (IP, RH, WH, or FH) surrounded by question marks that refers to that head being used as a default, when the instruction code in question is being executed. But if the instruction code is followed by a no-operation ('nop' or 'Nop') instruction code, the 'nop' or 'Nop' instruction code will alter the register used. A 'nop-A' or 'Nop-A' instruction code indicates the instruction pointer (IP); a 'nop-B' or 'Nop-B' instruction code indicates the read-head (RH); a 'nop-C' or 'Nop-C' instruction code indicates the write-head (WH); and a 'Nop-D' instruction code indicates the flow-head (FH). |
Super-classes |
nop notation |
URI | |
Description |
A nop-register notation is a two-letter notation (AX, BX, or CX) surrounded by question marks that refers to that register being used by default when the instruction in question is being executed. But if the instruction code is followed by a no-operation ('nop') instruction code, the 'nop' instruction code will alter the register used. A 'nop-A' instruction indicates the AX register; a 'nop-B' instruction code indicates the BX register; and a 'nop-C' instruction code indicates the CX register. It does not apply to the transsmt virtual CPU because the Transsmt hardware does not use registers. |
Super-classes |
nop notation |
URI | |
Description |
A nop-stack notation is a single-letter noation (A, B, C, or D) surrounded by question marks that refers to that stack being used by default when the instruction code in question is being executed. But if the instruction code is followed by a no-operation ('Nop') instruction code, the 'Nop' instruction code will alter the register used. A 'Nop-A' instruction code indicates the stack A; a 'Nop-B' instruction code indicates the stack B; a 'Nop-C' instruction code indicates the stack C; and a 'Nop-D' instruction code indicates the stack D. It only applies to the transsmt virtual CPU, because the TransSMT hardware does not use registers. |
Super-classes |
nop notation |
URI | |
Description |
A nop notation is a single or two capital letters (IP, RH, WH, or FH for heads; AX, BX, and CX for registers; and A, B, C, D for stacks) surrounded by question marks that refer to the head, register, or stack being used as a default. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
Sub-classes |
nop-head notation nop-register notation nop-stack notation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'not' logic operation is a logic operation on a single bitstring that returns 1 at a bit position if the input is 0 at that bit position, and 0 if the input is 1. |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'not-and' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 0 if and only if both inputs at the corresponding bit positions are 1 (otherwise it returns 1). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'not-or' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 only if both inputs are 0 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'or' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 if either the first input, the second input, or both are 1 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
The 'orn-not' logic operation is a logic operation on two bitstrings that returns 1 if for each input bit pair one input bit is 1 or the other is 0 (otherwise it returns 0). |
Super-classes |
logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
An output buffer is the buffer that a digital organism uses to return the processed results. |
Super-classes |
buffer |
URI | |
Description |
Note that this is a much more specific class than that referred to by MeSH Journal article (D016428). |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
In domain of |
doi output of |
URI | |
Description |
A parasite digital organism is a digital organism capable of stealing CPU-cycles from another digital organism. |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
In domain of |
parasite of |
In range of |
parasitized by |
URI | |
Description |
A plastic digital organism is a digital organism whose genome encodes distinct phenotypes in different environments (i.e., a digital organism that computes different logic operations in different environments). |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
has digital phenotype some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000151c |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction set 'pop' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that removes the top element from the active stack, and places it into the ?BX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'push' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the ?BX? register, and places it as a new entry at the top of the active stack.This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A read-head is the head that determines what instruction code is copied by the virtual CPU of a digital organism when a 'h-copy' instruction code is executed ('Val-Copy' instruction code if the transsmt instruction set is used). |
Super-classes |
head |
URI | |
Description |
A register is a digital storage space that a digital organism uses for storing a single number. The default virtual CPU contains three registers (XA, XB, and XC), each of which is made up of 32 bits. All math-based instruction codes operate on the registers, and various instruction codes will move the values in the registers around. |
Super-classes |
digital storage space |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'set-flow' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that moves the flow-head to the memory position specify by the ?CX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used to move the flow-head. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'shift-l' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the ?BX? register, and shifts all of the bits in that register to the left by one, placing a zero as the new rightmost bit, and truncating any bits beyond the 32 maximum. For values that require fewer than 32 bits, it effectively multiplies that value by two. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'shift-r' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the ?BX? register and shifts all of the bits in that register to the right by one. In effect, it divides the value stored in the register by two, rounding down. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A single-trait digital organism is a digital organism that computes a single logic operation. |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
computes some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000111c |
URI | |
Description |
A stack is a digital storage space that a digital organism uses for storing numbers. The default virtual CPU and the transsmt virtual CPU have two and four stacks, respectively, used for storing numbers. In the default virtual CPU, the 'push' and 'pop' instruction codes are used to move numbers between the registers and the stack, and the 'swap-stk' instruction toggles the active stack in use. A digital organism can theoretically store an arbitrary amount of data in the stacks, but for practical purposes the maximum stack depth is limited to ten. |
Super-classes |
digital storage space |
URI | |
Description |
The standard mode is an execution mode of Avida consisting of performing an experiment where populations of digital organisms evolve in a open ended computational environment (i.e., standard or transsmt virtual CPU). |
Super-classes |
avida experiment |
Restrictions |
involves exactly 0 analyze configuration file involves exactly 1 avida configuration file involves exactly 1 environment configuration file involves exactly 1 events configuration file involves exactly 1 executable file involves exactly 1 instruction set file |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'sub' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that reads in the contents of the BX and CX registers and subtracts CX from BX. The result of this operation is then placed in the ?BX? register. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used to place the result of this operation. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'swap' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that swaps the contents of the ?BX? register with its complement. This instruction code can be modified by one 'nop' instruction code, which specifies which register is used. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
The instruction code 'swap-stk' is an instruction code of the heads_default and heads_sex instruction sets that toggles the active stack in the virtual CPU. All other instruction codes that use a stack will always use the active one. |
Super-classes |
instruction code |
URI | |
Description |
A template is a sequence of no-operation instruction codes ('nop' or 'Nop', for the heads_default and transsmt instruction sets, respectively) used to mark regions of code within a digital organism's genome. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
A transcriptome-robust digital organism is a digital organism that executes the same transcriptome in all environments (i.e., a digital organism that executes the same instruction codes in all environments). |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
executes some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000124c |
URI | |
Description |
A transcriptome-sensitive digital organism is a digital organism that executes distinct transcriptomes in different environments (i.e., a digital organism that executes different instruction codes in different environments). |
Super-classes |
digital organism |
Restrictions |
executes some obo:ONTOAVIDA_00000124c |
URI | |
Description |
The transsmt instruction set is the instruction set that allows host-parasite interactions to take place in Avida. |
Super-classes |
instruction set |
URI | |
Description |
An update is the amount of time during which a digital organism executes on average 30 instruction codes from its genome. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
A world grid is the topology of the world where digital organisms live. |
Super-classes |
owl:Thingc |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a digital organism and a logic operation, in which the digital organism performs the logic operation by executing the instruction codes harbored in its genome. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "computes at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | logic operation |
URI | |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Inverse properties | contains |
Domain(s) | digital tandem repeat |
Range(s) | digital transcriptome |
URI | |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | digital tandem repeat |
URI | |
Description |
A relation where s determined by f if and only if s is a type of system, and f is a material entity that is part of s, such that f exerts a strong causal influence on the functioning of s, and the removal of f would cause the collapse of s. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital phenotype |
Range(s) | logic operation |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between the genome and the phenotype of a digital organism, in which the genome contains information that is used to produce the phenotype. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "encodes at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Inverse properties | is encoded by |
Domain(s) | digital genome |
Range(s) | digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a digital organism and its transcriptome, in which the instruction codes harbored in its genome are executed to produce the transcriptome. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "executes at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Inverse properties | is executed by |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | digital transcriptome |
URI | |
Description |
A relation where w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | digital genome |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a digital organism and the digital phenotype encoded by its digital genome. A digital genome can encode different digital phenotypes in distinct computational environments, and therefore, a digital organism can have more than one digital phenotype. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | digital phenotype |
URI | |
Description |
An interaction relationship between two organisms living together in more or less intimate association in a relationship in which association is disadvantageous or destructive to one of the organisms (GO). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
URI | |
Description |
A relation where c is involved in p if and only if c enables some process p', and p' is part of p. |
Super-properties | participates in |
Domain(s) | digital file |
Range(s) | avida experiment |
URI | |
Description |
A relation where p involves c if and only if some process p' is enabled by c', and c' is part of c. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Inverse properties | involved in |
Domain(s) | avida experiment |
Range(s) | digital file |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a digital organism and a logic operation, in which the logic operation is performed when the digital organism executes the instruction codes harbored in its genome. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "is computed at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Inverse properties | computes |
Domain(s) | logic operation |
Range(s) | digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between the genome and the phenotype of a digital organism, in which the phenotype is produced from the information contained in the genome. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "is encoded by at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital phenotype |
Range(s) | digital genome |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a digital organism and its transcriptome, in which the transcriptome results from executing the instruction codes harbored in the genome of the digital organism. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "is executed by at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between two digital organisms where their genomes differ in a single instruction code. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
A relation where c is output p if c participates in p, c is not present at the beginning of p, and c is not present at the end of p. |
Super-properties | participates in |
Domain(s) | paper |
Range(s) | avida experiment |
URI | |
Description |
A relation in which one organism, the parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death. |
Super-properties | interacts with via parasite-host interaction |
Inverse properties | parasitized by |
Domain(s) | parasite digital organism |
Range(s) | host digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
A relation in which one organism, the host, harbours another organism, the parasite, being harmed and possibly killed by it. |
Super-properties | interacts with via parasite-host interaction |
Domain(s) | host digital organism |
Range(s) | parasite digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
A relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
URI | |
Description |
Character string used as a permanent identifier for a digital object, in a format controlled by the International DOI Foundation. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | paper |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
A genome instruction sequence is a linear string of letters representing the instruction codes that make up the genome of a digital organism. |
Super-properties | instruction sequence |
Domain(s) | digital genome |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
Number of instruction codes comprising the genome of a digital organism. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital genome |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
Number of times that a tandem repeat is executed by a digital organism. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
A tandem repeat instruction sequence is a linear string of letters representing the instruction codes that make up the tandem repeat contained in the transcriptome executed by a digital organism. |
Super-properties | instruction sequence |
Domain(s) | digital tandem repeat |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
Number of instruction codes that make up the tandem repeat executed by a digital organism during the replication process. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital tandem repeat |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
A tandem position at genome indicates the position of the instruction codes constituting a tandem repeat along the digital genome of a digital organism. |
Super-properties | position at genome |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
A transcriptome position at genome indicates the position of the instruction codes constituting a transcriptome along the digital genome of a digital organism. |
Super-properties | position at genome |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
A transcriptome instruction sequence is a linear string of letters representing the instruction codes that make up the transcriptome executed by a digital organism. |
Super-properties | instruction sequence |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description |
Number of instruction codes that are executed by a digital organism during the replication process. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital transcriptome |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
Virtual central processing unit (CPU) that executes the instruction codes of a digital organism's genome. It can take two values: 'default' (virtual CPU running on the default hardware: it consists of a memory space with four heads pointing to specific locations in that memory, three registers, two stacks, and input and output buffers) and 'transsmt' (virtual CPU running on the Transsmt hardware: it consists of a memory space with four heads pointing to specific locations in that memory, four stacks, and input and output buffers). |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
URI | |
Description |
Number of instruction codes, out of the total number number of instruction codes comprising a digital organism's genome, that are executed by a digital organism during the replication process. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "genome length executed at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
Number of instruction codes executed by a digital organism to produce a viable offspring. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | xsd:integer |
URI | |
Description |
An instruction sequence is a linear string of letters representing instruction codes of a digital organism. |
URI | |
Description |
A position at genome indicates the position of an instruction code along the digital genome of a digital organism. |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
URI | |
Description |
The ability of a digital organism to produce an offspring able to replicate by executing its genome. It might depend on the environment (i.e., "viable at seed", being seed the integer used for starting the pseudo-random number generator). |
Super-properties | owl:topDataProperty |
Domain(s) | digital organism |
Range(s) | xsd:boolean |
c | Classes |
op | Object Properties |
fp | Functional Properties |
dp | Data Properties |
dp | Annotation Properties |
p | Properties |
ni | Named Individuals |